Art School Confidential - Directed by Terry Zwigoff

Okay, so I'd HEARD of the movie before and remember a moderate ad campaign back when I was in high school for this film. No recollection of how big a success it was, or if there was a huge buzz about it with the young people. But after having my own art school experience with Pratt last year, I decided maybe it would be good for a laugh. It never ranked high on my list of "must sees" and frankly, in my head, I always assumed it some raunchy, young adult, late teens early twenties party movie with ignorant young people living their "devil may care" years in the fashionable way; wasting time with partying and disrespecting authority because we're just way too cool for this. You know, that lifestyle that Hollywood keeps trying to tell me SHOULD appeal to me for some reason, that bratty little phase we're all supposed to go through and come out on the other side with nothing but awkward misadventures and cringeworthy anecdotes. Y'know, normal p...