Back to Basics - Eyeliner and Headdress: Training with the Masters

     The eternal mystery of these people changed my life forever, when I first encountered their work in person at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in late 2018. Forcing myself to branch out, wanting these people to turn my head in a different direction, I copied them and therefore gained a new perspective on the Renaissance and Baroque art that had influenced me up to this point.
    It did not make Caravaggio, Velazquez or Botticelli look BETTER or WORSE, the Egyptians just caused me to re-assess what I value about them and why, by giving me an unexpected perspective.
    This little exercise is just a game of updating one of their classic looks to a modern day figure, trying to do my best impersonation of the ancient "language" on the paper in front of me. It being a language so far removed from my own, and one I would not use on my own work in a million years, it makes it valuable for opening my mind and getting some perspective on how big the world is.


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