The Real Thing.

   I've been thinking about music lately, and the gift it is to our existence, and how it has influenced the direction of my own visual art as it opens up new doors in me, and gives us all a clear view into the undeniable potency of the human identity.

    When it comes to music especially, there is so much fake stuff out there, and so many people who are fooled by it, if only momentarily. The people that just make random "exciting sounding noises" at spaced out intervals, to try and get us to "tingle" receive much more appreciation than they deserve. Cute little noises that make me "tingle" are not art, not music, and have no relation to the human identity, just a way of getting people to notice you as a performer, long enough for you to make some cash.

     It really is too bad that so many people don't know the real thing when they see it, perhaps because they don't know any better. I've met those people, sat in classrooms with them, argued with them, and watched them defend their point of view with sheer numbers and self-worship, not any actual evidence. After getting a glimpse into their little hyper contrived bubble, that little suffocating, air tight reality they inhabit, I've just decided that it's too bad.
   Heed this warning: There are those in this world that truly believe that the human identity is not a real thing that we actually have, but rather, something we are all pretending to have, and the greatest artists are just the greatest of pretenders.
  Well, that belief is only shared among those who need to be told what to think. Some of us have actually experienced another person's charisma, their charm, their personality, and were comforted by it, could relate to it, and felt it change our own world perspective, without a doubt.  Whether it was a personal friend or family member living today, or a historical figure who lived centuries before you were born and left a trail of breadcrumbs behind for you to follow, the wisest of us happen to know that there are some things you just can't fake. That's what makes them special. I'm sorry you don't know the difference. You truly don't know what you're missing.

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